Ranking | Name | Description | Example |
1 | Tricon | Three cards of the exact same rank. Amongst Tricons, a Tricon of higher ranked cards is considered higher than a Tricon of three lower ranked cards. |  |
2 | Sequence | Three cards of the same suit in direct sequential order. The lowest card allowed in a sequence is a 2 and the highest in any Sequence is an Ace. For comparing two Sequences, the sequence containing the highest ranked card is considered the highest. |  |
3 | Flush | Three cards of the same suit, but not in sequential order. For comparing two flushes, the one containing the highest ranked card in the sequence is considered the highest. |  |
4 | Pair | Two cards of the same exact denomination. The third card in the hand can be any other card. For
comparing pairs, the pair of highest ranked card is considered the highest. If the paired cards are of the same rank, the denomination of the odd card is then compared. |  |
5 | Point | A hand which does not fit into any of the previous categories. For comparison of two or more Point hands, the total value of all cards in the hand are totaled, and the player with the highest point total is set as the winner. For this purpose, Aces count 11, Face cards 10 each, and all other cards count as the value marked on the card. |  |
The hands are then compared, and the player who has the overall highest ranked
hand during the current hand collects one token from the player with the lowest ranked hand in this
hand. If a player runs out of tokens in this way, he must drop from the game. The game can continue until one player has all the tokens, or alternatively can be played for a set number of rounds (say 15) with the player having the most total tokens at that time declared the winner.
Pounce Commerce: Pounce Commerce was once the most popular version of Commerce played. It is very similar to the standard game with one key difference.
If a player currently has a Tricon in hand and the fourth card of that same denomination appears on the table (whether discard in an exchange by another player or added from the stock pile after a round), the player having the Tricon of the same denomination players may shout Pounce and immediately take the card into his hand. He may do this even if not currently his turn, simply taking the card and adding it to his current hand. This gives him a four card hand, which is considered higher than any three card hand. The only hand considered higher would be another four card hand of a higher
denomination that another player might obtain by also Pouncing. Immediately after the player calls Pounce and takes the card, another card is added from the stock pile to the center of the pile, and the game resumes as before the player called Pounce.
No Pair or Point: In some of the earliest versions of the game, the Pair and Point categories are not used. As such, only the categories Tricon, Sequence and Flush are recognized in the game. If a player does not have a hand which fulfills that category, they can never win the hand.
Trade and Barter: Trade and Barter is a variation of Commerce which hails from England. This variant has several differences from the standard game, as follows:
- No widow hand is added to the center of the table. The remainder of the pack is simply set face-down in the center of the table.
- The only combinations recognized in this version are the categories of Tricon, Sequence and Point.
- Each player on his turn (starting with the player to the dealers immediate left) may take one of three actions on his turn:
- Trade
: If the player opts to make a trade, he states "Trade" and passes one card face down to the dealer. The dealer places that player's card face-down at the bottom of the stock, and replaces this card with the top card from the stock, passing it face-down to that player.
- Barter
: If a player opts to barter, he states "Barter" and passes any card of his choice face-down to the player to his immediate
left. This player also selects any card of his choice in replacement, passing that card, also face-down to the bartering player.
- Knock
: If a player has a Tricon, Sequence or Point in hand and is satisfied with his current hand, he may knock. After that player knocks, the hand immediately ends and the players compare hands to determine who is the winner of the hand.
- The normal ranking of the card combinations as per the standard game is used for ranking of a Tricon or Sequence. However, the Point category is slightly different. In this variant, for comparison of multiple hands in the Point category, that hand has a value equal to the sum of cards of the same suit in the players hand (minimum of two). For this summation, the value of the cards is the same as in the parent game; Aces 11 each, Court cards 10 each, and all other cards the value marked on the face of the card. If two or more players have the same point value, the higher is determined to be that which consists of more cards. If the hands are also tied in the number of cards of the same suit, the player nearest in normal rotation, to the dealer is considered the higher.
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