Cucumber is a fun trick taking card game with a unique twist. This game originated in Denmark and is also known as Agurk, the Danish word for cucumber. The unique feature of this game is that players score nothing for winning individual tricks but instead, try to avoid winning the last trick of each hand. This game is designed to be played by 2 to 7 players.
Cucumber uses one standard 52 card deck. The ranking of the cards in this game are as follows (from high to low); Ace, King, Queen, Jack, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2. The suits of the cards are irrelevant when playing Cucumber.
The first dealer can be determined in a variety of ways. One common method to use for this game is to have any player begin dealing cards face-up from a shuffled deck in a clockwise rotation. The first player to receive a Jack is designated the first dealer. Thereafter, the deal rotates in a clockwise rotation around the table. If a player whose turn it is to deal is no longer in the game (due to being eliminated in play as described below), the deal passes to the next player who is still active in the current game.
Once the dealer is determined, he then shuffles the pack and deals one card at a time to each player in a clockwise rotation until each player has a total of seven cards. The remainder of the cards are then set aside, face down and will not be used for the rest of the hand. After each hand the deal rotates in a clockwise direction around the table.
Once the cards are dealt, the players then pick up their cards to begin play of the hand. The player to the dealer's immediate left plays the first card to the first trick. Each player in turn in a clockwise rotation then plays one card from his hand to the trick. Instead of playing cards to the center of the table, the players simply play the card face-up directly in front of themselves on the table. Since suits are irrelevant in this game, there is no need or obligation to play a card of the same suit as led to the trick (which is different from most other trick taking games). However, there are still specific rules on what cards can be played to a trick, as follows:
The player who leads the first card to a trick can play any card of his choice from his hand.
The subsequent players to the same trick then have one of two choices of play to the trick.
- Any card from his hand of the same or higher rank than the highest currently found in the trick
- The lowest card currently remaining in the player's hand
Once each player has played a card to the trick in clockwise order, the winner of the trick is determined. The highest card (of any suit) played to each trick wins it. If there are two or more cards which tie for the highest played to the trick, the latest one played to the trick wins the trick. The winner of each trick leads the first card to the next trick.
A hand consists of seven total tricks played. The first six tricks played during the hand do not score any points for the winner of those tricks. However, the winner of the last trick of the hand scores a penalty based on the specific card he played on that last trick. The penalty points added to his score are calculated as per the following chart:
Card Denomination | Scoring Value |
Ace | 14 |
King | 13 |
Queen | 12 |
Jack | 11 |
2 to 10 | Numerical value marked on card face |
In this example of a last trick, the Leader leads a five of Clubs. Since the two Eights are the highest cards played, the second of them played (Eight of Diamonds) wins the trick (scoring 8 points). The player of the first eight (Spades) would have a bonus of 8 points subtracted from their current score. |
Any player who, on that last trick, was able to play a card of the same denomination as the card winning the trick (but did not themselves win the trick) can subtract an equal number of points from their hand. They would subtract the number of points as per the chart given above, based on the card's denomination. However, a player can never reduce their score below zero. If a player already has obtained one Cucumber (see below), they will still retain that cucumber even if they can reduce their current score to zero. This subtraction of points from a player's score occurs after any players who earned their first cucumber in the game re-enter the game, setting their current score equal to the player with the highest score before any subtraction takes place.
Once a player reaches or exceeds 21 total accumulated points they earn one "cucumber". This is normally designated by drawing a small cucumber on the score sheet in that players column. When a player receives two cucumbers they are out of the game. When a player receives their first cucumber, they can resume playing after making the appropriate marking on the score sheet. They would re-enter the game with a score equal to the current, active player who has the highest score (but still below 21).
The game continues in this manner until there is just one player left at the end of a hand whom is declared the winner.
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