At one time, Euchre was the most popular of any card game played in the United States. It is still quite popular, great fun and widely played in many locales.
The standard game of Euchre is played by 4 players, in two partnerships consisting of two players each.
It is played with the Euchre deck which is a modified standard deck consisting of 32 cards. This deck consists of one card from each suit (♠,
♦,♣) in the following denominations: Ace, King, Queen, Jack, 10, 9, 8 and 7.
The ranking of these cards for the game of Euchre is, from highest to lowest, A, K, Q, J, 10, 9, 8, 7. However, the ranking of cards may change somewhat in certain suits
dependent on the suit specified as the trump suit for each hand (see below).
Partners should sit directly across from each other at the table when playing Euchre. Thus, players one and three would play as partners against the opponent team consisting of players two and four.
Unless partnerships have been prearranged in some manner, the first order of business should be to determine the partnerships and the first dealer. All four players should draw one card from the shuffled, face down deck. The players drawing the two lowest cards become partners against the players drawing the two lowest cards.
The player drawing the very lowest card (according to the standard ranking) becomes the first dealer. During this draw, if two or more players draw equally ranked cards, these players should draw again. If they again draw a card matching another player, these players would continue drawing until all players have cards of different denominations. The partnerships, once determine, will then remain until the end of the game, at which time new partnerships can be decided. The partnerships should seat themselves at the table directly across from each other, such that the play of the hand will alternate between members of each partnership.
After the partnerships are determined as well as the first dealer, the first dealer would then thoroughly shuffle the deck and offer it to the opponent at his right hand to cut. This player will cut and then return the deck to the dealer. The dealer will then proceed to deal the hands to the players. Beginning with the player to his immediate left, he will distribute the cards to each player. Each player should receive five cards face down. This can be done by first dealing a round of three cards in rotation around the table and then a batch of two, or this can be reversed with a batch of two then followed by a batch of three. Once each player has five cards, the dealer will then deal the next card face up from the deck onto the table. This card, depending on the course of the bidding phase of the hand, may indicate the trump suit for the hand.
Determination of trump suit: Beginning at the player to the dealers immediate left and continuing clockwise around the table, the players will then have the opportunity to declare if they want to make the turned up card the trump suit (this is called the turn up). This continues with each player, including dealer who is last, having this opportunity to decide if the turned up cards suit will be the trump suit for the hand. If any player indicates this suit should be the trump suit, the play of the hand begins. At this point the dealer immediately discards any one card from his hand face down under the undealt remainder of the pack and takes the turned up card into his hand.
However, if all four players decline the suit of the turned up card as the trump suit, a round of "bidding" begins, again starting with the player to the dealers immediate left. Starting with that player, and continuing in a clockwise rotation, each player has one opportunity to designate a suit of their choice as the trump suit. Obviously, no player may declare the trump suit to be the same as that originally turned up and declined by all players. As soon as any player in his proper turn names a suit, this "bidding" round immediately ends and play of the hand begins. In this case, the dealer does not take the turned up card into his hand, instead leaving it in it's place and turning it face down. During this round of bidding a player is not obligated to name a suit and may pass, not declaring any suit. If all four players pass, the cards are thrown in, the cards shuffled and deal passes to the next player with no score occurring for this hand. Whichever way the trump suit is determined, the partnership of the player who either "accepted" it or declared it is now considered the "maker".
The Trump Suit and Ranking of Cards: The trump suit determined will have an effect on the ranking and number of cards within that suit as well as the other suit of same color as the trump suit. For the hand, the Jack of this other suit of the same color is actually considered to be part of the trump suit. Thus, for all purposes during the hand, this Jack should be considered a trump suit and played in any circumstance calling for the play of a card from the trump suit. It is no longer considered a portion of it's original suit for this hand. Thus the ranking of the cards in this trump suit are as follows (from high to low): Jack of the trump suit, Jack of opposite suit (but same color) as trump suit, King of trump suit, Queen of trump suit, Ten of trump suit, 9 of trump suit, 8 of trump suit and 7 of trump suit. The ranking of the cards in the opposite suit is as follows (with the Jack no longer being considered to be included in this suit): Ace, King, Queen, 10, 9, 8, 7. In the two suits of the alternate color, the standard Euchre ranking of the cards applies (A, K, Q, J, 10, 9, 8, 7).
Example trump suit in Euchre if Spades were set as the trump suit for the hand.
As an example, say that Spades has been declared to be the trump suit. In this case, the trump suit would consist of the following cards, in order from highest to lowest; Jack of ♠, Jack of ♣, Ace of ♠, King of ♠, Queen of ♠, 10 of ♠, 9 of ♠, 8 of ♠, 7 of ♠.
The members and ranking of the Club suit for this hand (from high to low) would be as follows: Ace of ♣, King of ♣, Queen of ♣, 10 of ♣, 9 of ♣, 8 of ♣, 7 of ♣.
Example of the opposite suit (in this case Clubs) if Spades were trump.
The ranking of the cards within the Diamond (
♦) and Heart (
♥) suits would be in this case, from high to low; Ace, King, Queen, Jack, 10, 9, 8, 7.
See the illustration above which shows an example in which Spades has been declared the trump suit for the hand.
Play of the Hand: After the trump suit is so determine, the game is now played out in a series of 5 tricks. The makers partnership attempts to win as many of these tricks as possible while the opposing partnership attempts to "set" the makers partnership by preventing them from winning these tricks. The player to the dealers immediate left leads the first card to the first trick (which may be any card of his choice from his hand). The play to the trick then proceeds in a clockwise rotation, with each player playing one card to the trick on their turn. Each player must play a card of the same suit as was led to the trick if able. However, if they do not have a card of the suit led, they may play a trump card to the trick if they possess one. If they do not have a card of the trump suit, or choose not want to play one, they may play a card of any other suit to the trick. The highest trump card played to the trick wins it. If no trump was played to the trick, the highest card of the suit led to the trick wins it. If a card of the trump suit was led to the trick, each player must play a card of the trump suit to the trick if they so have one. However, while abiding by these requirements, a player is under no specific compulsion to attempt to win any particular trick (by say, playing his highest trump card), if his personal strategy does not dictate so. The winner of the trick should remove these cards from play and leads the first card to the next trick. These cards won in tricks but should be removed from play (face down), but should be noted which partnership won the trick to determine if that partnership was able to win the required number of tricks in the hand.
Solo Play: The player who originally determined the trump suit for the hand, the maker, may indicate he wants to play the hand alone. He indicates this by stating he will "Go Alone". In this case, his partner should immediately discard his hand face down to the table, with he or his cards taking no further part in the current hand. The maker will then play the hand by himself against both players of the opposing partnership. In this case the player to the makers immediate left leads to the first trick. Playing alone can increase the scoring possibilities on the hand for the maker, but is also much more difficult as the maker must play without any help from his partner during the hand.
Scoring: After all five tricks have been played, the scoring of the hand then proceeds, with the following scoring possibilities:
- If the maker's partnership (with both partners playing) wins all five tricks (called march) that partnership scores 2 points while the opposing partnership scores nothing.
- If the maker playing solo wins all five tricks (also called march) the partnership scores 4. The opponent's partnership scores nothing.
- If the maker's partnership (with both partners playing) wins three or four tricks the partnership scores 1 point and the opponent partnership scores nothing.
- If the maker playing solo wins three or four tricks, the partnership would score 1 point and the opposing partnership scores nothing.
- If the maker's partnership (with both partners participating in the hand or with the maker playing solo) wins less then three tricks the opponent's partnership scores 2 points. The maker's partnership is said to have been euchred and scores nothing on the hand.
The first partnership to score 5 or more accumulated points over the course of multiple hands is declared the winners of the game. For a longer game, some players prefer to increase the required winning total to 7 or even 10 points. As in similar games such as Contract Bridge and Whist, Euchre is sometimes played in rubbers. When played thusly, the partnerships would remain the same for the duration of the rubber. The first partnership to win two games wins the rubber.
Score Indicators: For convenience, the current score for each partnership in Euchre is often and traditionally displayed by using some of the unused lower ranked cards from a deck, with the number of spots or pips displayed indicating a partnerships current score. Thus, in a 5 point game, two unused threes and fours from the deck would be used by each partnership to mark their score. The following illustration shows the representation of each scoring total a partnership might have.
Euchre Vocabulary: Euchre has a number of words and phrases that are often used by regulars of the game. Below are some of the more common terms that a Euchre player may encounter:
- When a solo player or partnership scores all 5 possible points in a hand, this is called
- When a solo player or partnership wins less than 3 tricks in a hand, they are said to have been
euchred (which earns the opposing partnership 2 points).
- The Jack of the trump suit which is the highest card in the deck is called
right bower.
- The Jack of the other suit of the same color as the trump suit, which is considered the second highest card of the trump suit, is called the
left bower.
- If an opponent accepts the turn up cards suit as trump for the hand, this is usually indicated by the player saying
I order it up.
- If the partner of dealer accepts the turn up card as the suit designator for trump, this player usually indicates this by saying
I assist.
- If the dealer accepts the turn up card as the trump suit designator, he usually does not say anything, but usually just indicates this by exchanging a card for the turn up card. This is called
taking it up.
- If the dealer refuses the turn-up when all other players have also, this is called
turning it down.
- If a player declares as trump the alternate suit of the same color as that originally turned up, this is called
making it next.
- When a suit of the opposite color as that originally turned up but rejected as trump is selected to be the trump suit for the hand, this is called
crossing it.
Euchre for varying number of players
Euchre for Three: Three handed Euchre (also called Cutthroat Euchre) is played very similar to the standard four player game described above. Each player is dealt the same number of cards in the same manner, and bidding proceeds amongst the three players as normal. The major difference for three players, is that the maker always plays solo against the other two players. Thus, the scoring for three handed Euchre is as follows:
- If maker wins all 5 tricks he scores 3 points.
- If maker wins 3 or 4 tricks, he scores 1 point.
- If maker is euchred (wins 3 or less tricks), both opponents each score 2 points.
All other rules are played the same as in standard four hand Euchre described above.
Euchre for Two: This variation is also very similar to standard four hand Euchre, with a few differences:
- From the special Euchre pack additional cards are removed. All sevens and eights are removed from this pack, leaving a 24 card deck. The ranking of cards (for both trump suit and the non trump suits) remains the same as in standard Euchre minus the sevens and eights.
- Obviously, a player can never make the declaration "alone" as they are already playing solo.
- Scoring for two hand Euchre is as follows:
- Maker wins all five tricks (March) - 2 points
- Maker of trump scores 3 or 4 tricks - 1 point
- Maker scores 3 or less tricks - opponent scores 2 points
All other aspects of two handed Euchre are the same as in standard, four hand Euchre.
Railroad Euchre

A number of differing variations were added to Euchre under the name Railroad Euchre. Most of these variations were designed to speed up the game, often such that a game could be completed on a short train commute. One or more of the following variant rules can be added, which will provide for a somewhat shorter game.
Joker Addition: One joker is added to the standard Euchre deck described above. This joker is considered the highest card of the trump suit, with the remainder of the trump suit (and all other suits) exactly the same as in standard Euchre.
Defending Alone: This version allows a defender to play alone if the maker opts to play alone. Either defender has the right to declare this, however the defender who is the first in line for the next deal in the hand has the first opportunity. If this happens, the other defender then places his hand face down on the table, not to be used in the hand. Scoring is the same as in standard Euchre, however if the lone defender is able to euchre the maker, his partnership scores 4 points.
Call for Best: In this variation, a lone player may discard one card face down to the table and call for his partners best card in replacement. If the Defending Alone rule is used, a lone defender can also ask for this privilege.
Laps: When playing using the Laps rule, a winning side may overlap any score over that needed for the game towards the next game. Thus, if a partnership had 4 points in a game to 5 and they were able to score march (win all five tricks) on the next hand they would score 2 points. One of these points would be used to win this game (total of 5) and the other point would be carried over to the next game giving them a start of 1 point for that game.
Slams: If a partnership wins a game before the other side has scored any points in this game, they are considered to have won two games rather than just one (a slam).
Jambon: This variant rule, sometimes called Ham Bone (which is how this option is usually pronounced), allows a player who is playing alone to elect to play with his entire hand face up, completely exposed on the table. A player able to score all 5 possible points for the hand (March) with his cards exposed in this way earns 8 points for the feat. He scores as normal for winning 3 or 4 tricks. Optionally, some players enforce the rule that the first opponent to the left of the Player can state the opening lead the Player must make from his exposed hand in the first trick.
Auction Euchre

Auction Euchre (also commonly known as Bid Euchre) is a variation of the basic game where there is no turn-up, with each player instead making one bid. The rank of cards (both in the trump suit and the other suits) is exactly the same as in standard Euchre. Auction Euchre can be played by 5, 6 or 7 players, with the specific rules for each given below:
Five Handed Auction Euchre: In five hand Auction Euchre the standard 32 card Euchre deck is used. To determine dealer and seating positions, each player should draw one card from the face down, spread deck. The player drawing the lowest card is the first dealer, the next lowest card sits to his immediate left, with the next lowest at that players left, and so on. After each hand, the deal passes to the next player in a clockwise rotation.
The dealer deals out the cards similarly to standard Euchre, in a batch of 3 face down cards to each player, then a batch of 2 or he may reverse the order. After all players have been dealt their hands, the dealer deals two more face-down cards to the center of the table as a widow.
After all cards have been dealt one round of bidding occurs. Each player is given one opportunity to bid, starting with the player to the dealers immediate left and going clockwise around the table. On his turn to bid a player either names a bid or may pass. His bid would indicate a number of points and his bid must be higher than any previous bid. The specific number bid will determine a number of things regarding the play of hand. See the table below for the allowable bids and what this bid contracts the player for in the hand. After each player has had one opportunity to bid, the player who bid the highest number now may name the trump suit. After doing so, he takes the two card widow into his hand and discards any two cards from his hand face down to the table, out of play.
If the bid made allows the selection of one or two partners (see chart below), that player may now select these partners. The specific number allowed to be selected is directly
dependent on the specific score he bid.
- If he bid 3 tricks, he is allowed to select one partner.
- A bid of 4 or 5 tricks entitles him to select two partners.
- If bidding 8 or 15, the player must play solo (no partners).
The maker may select any such other player or players as his partner, regardless of their position at the table.
Once selected, play then begins with the player to the current dealers immediate left leading the first card to the first trick. The play of the hand is identical to standard four hand Euchre. The scoring for the hand, and the specific requirements to make the contract are as per the following table:
Bid | Won Tricks Needed | Number of Partners Allowed | Additional Conditions |
3 | 3 | 1 | May use Widow |
4 | 4 | 2 | May use Widow |
5 | 5 | 2 | May use Widow |
8 | 5 | None | May use Widow |
15 | 5 | None | May not use Widow |
If the player is able to win using the conditions for his bid, he and his partners each score the amount of his bid. If he does not score the number (or more) each opponent scores the bid number.
Six Hand Auction Euchre: This variation is similar to five hand Auction Euchre with the following exceptions:
- The deck is composed of 36 cards. This consists of the standard Euchre deck with the addition of the sixes. The rank of the trump suit and the other suits is the same as in other forms of Euchre, with the six being the lowest card of each suit.
- This is usually played in two partnerships of three players each. These partnerships can be pre-determined or selected by having all players draw from the spread deck. The three highest cards playing as partners against the players drawing the three lowest cards. When seated at the table, the partners should be arranged in alternating seats around the table.
- As in all other forms of Auction Euchre, a player may bid any of the following totals, with the indicated requirements for the hand:
Bid | Tricks Needed | Conditions |
3 | 3 | May use Widow |
4 | 4 | May use Widow |
5 | 5 | May use Widow |
8 | 5 | May use Widow |
15 | 5 | May not use Widow |
When the widow is used, it is taken by the maker (high bidder who determines the trump suit).
As in five handed Euchre, points won by the makers side or the opponents in case of being euchred, are equal to that of the bid.
- The partnerships remain the same for the duration of each game, and one score is kept for each of the two partnerships.
All other rules are the same as that with five handed auction Euchre.
Seven Hand Auction Euchre: This game is also played very similarly to five handed auction Euchre with a few exceptions, as follows:
- Seven hand Euchre uses the standard 52 card deck. The rank of the trump and other suits is the same as in standard Euchre, with the added cards having their expected ranking (with the two being the lowest ranked card in each suit).
- Each hand consists of seven cards to each player. This can be dealt in a round of three face down cards to each player followed by a round of four or in the opposite order. After the first round of cards is dealt, a face down widow consisting of three cards is dealt face down to the center of the table.
- As in the five handed variant of auction Euchre, the number of partners (if any) is determined by the makers specific bid. The following table shows the possible bids and the conditions required of such a bid:
Bid | Tricks Needed | Number of Partners Allowed | Additional Conditions |
4 | 4 | 1 | May use Widow |
5 | 5 | 1 | May use Widow |
6 | 6 | 2 | May use Widow |
7 | 7 | 2 | May use Widow |
10 | 7 | None | May use Widow |
20 | 7 | None | May not use Widow |
If the maker (and any temporary partners for the hand) are able to win at least as many tricks as bid, the maker and any partners each score the amount of the bid individually. If the maker (and any partners) is euchred, the opposing players each score the amount the maker had bid, added to their individual score.
In all other aspects, seven hand auction Euchre is played identically to the five hand version.
Auction Euchre with Jokers: Any of the versions of auction Euchre described above can be played with the addition of one joker. When played with this joker, the rules are essentially the same, with a few differences:
- The Joker ranks as the highest trump card. The remainder of the trump suit and the other suits, all rank as in standard Euchre.
- The widow in the seven hand variant consists of four vice three cards. The maker, if using the widow, would then discard any four cards after taking the widow into his hand.
Call Ace Euchre: This variation can be played by four to six players. However partnerships are not determined before the start of the deal as this information will be unknown until well into the hand.
The cards are dealt as in the standard four hand version as well as the determination of trump suit. However when examining his hand a player will not yet be sure who might end up being his partner should he become the maker.
Once the Maker is determined using the same method as in standard Euchre, he then names any suit (it need not be the suit designated as trump for the hand). Whichever other player (unbeknownst to the maker) who has the highest ranked card in the named suit becomes the makers partner. However, this player, should he even be aware that he is the actual holder of the highest card of the named trump does not state this or make this known in any way at the current time. Thus it will not be immediately known who the makers partner is until later in the hand (or possibly not until the end of the hand).
The scoring in Call Ace Euchre is the same as in the standard version, however, since the partnerships are liable to change each hand, each independent player in the temporary partnership is awarded the score that would normally be awarded to the partnership as a whole. The first individual player to reach or exceed the designated total for game is declared the winner. If two players reach this same total at the end of the hand, they are considered co-winners of the hand.
Bald Euchre: Bald Euchre is an exciting variation that was developed
and first played about 20 years ago in Southern California. It is unique, featuring several differences from the parent game.
The primary difference in this game is the handling of the Left Bower. Whereas in standard Euchre the Left Bower is considered to simply be an additional card of the selected trump suit, in Bald Euchre, the Left Bower is considered to be part of its actual marked suit.
It is played by the holder as a member of the suit actually displayed on the face of the card, but is still considered a trump card with its normal ranking (between the right Bower and the Ace of the actual selected trump suit).
As an example, if Spades was the selected trump suit, the Left Bower would be the Jack of Clubs, retaining is normal ranking right below the Jack of Spades. However, the card could be played to a Club lead as a member of the suit of Clubs. Being a Trump, this card would be considered the highest card of the Club suit beating any other clubs played as well as any lower valued trump suit cards which might also be played to the trick. It would not be permissible to play that card to a Spade lead unless the holder had no other Spades in hand, in which case he could play the card and it would retain its trump ranking for purposes of card values in the trick.
Another difference between Bald Euchre and the standard game is in the procedure used if the turned up card designating the trump suit is rejected by all four players. Instead of a round of bidding as in standard Euchre, in Bald Euchre, if no player accepts the turn-up card, the cards are all gathered up and shuffled together, with that hand abandoned. The same dealer then reshuffles and deals again.
Other than these differences, and in all other respects, Bald Euchre is played the same as the base game Euchre.
Double Turn-Up Euchre: Double Turn-Up Euchre is another variant of Euchre which is largely played the same as standard Euchre as described above. The only difference in this version is the procedure that is used if the turned up card designating the trump suit is rejected by all four players. Instead of a round of bidding as in standard Euchre, in Double Turn-Up Euchre, the dealer then turns up a second card from the pack, and this card is placed directly on top of the previously exposed card. Each player, starting again with the player to the dealer's immediate left, has an opportunity to accept the trump suit or turn it down. As in the first card turned up, if anyone (including the dealer) accepts the turned up card, the dealer may (but is not required to) exchange this exposed trump card for any card in his hand, placing his discard face down under the unused remainder of the deck. This turning up of an additional card can continue until the turned up card's suit is accepted for the trump suit or the suit of the turned up card is repeated. If a duplicate suit does appear, the bidding procedure immediately begins, at which time the players participate in the bidding round as in the standard game, with the bidding starting with the player to the dealer's immediate left. However, no suit which was turned down may be declared as the trump suit for this hand. If all suits were previously exposed with no player accepting it or all players pass during bidding, the cards are thrown in, shuffled, and a new deal is performed by the next dealer in turn. Other than this difference, Double Turn-Up Euchre is played the same as the base game Euchre.
Example of Clubs as Trump Suit in Hasenpfeffer.
Hasenpfeffer (sometimes called Pfeffer) is another fun variation of Euchre that is played with a 25 card deck by four players in two partnerships. The deck for this variant is created using the normal Euchre deck which is further stripped down by removing all cards of rank seven and eight, but including the addition of one Joker. The rank of the cards is similar to standard Euchre with the only difference being the Joker. In Hasenpfeffer, the Joker is always considered to be the highest card in the trump suit. Thus, in the trump suit, the ranking is as follows: Joker, Jack of trump suit (right bower), Jack of opposite suit from trump suit (left bower), Ace, King, Queen, 10, 9 (of trump suit). Even though the left bower and Joker are not actually marked with the suit of the trump suit, they are considered, for all purposes to be members of the Trump suit. In the non trump suit of the same color as the trump suit the card ranking is: Ace, King, Queen, 10, 9. This other suit of the same color is called the opposite suit. In the two non-trump suits of the opposite color, the ranking is; Ace, King, Queen, Jack, 10, 9.
Determination of partners, seating positions and first dealer are the same as in standard Euchre. The deal is somewhat different, however. The dealer deals six face down cards to each player, in packets of thee cards at a time in a clockwise rotation around the table. The last card is then placed face down in the center of the table as a widow.
After the deal, bidding begins with the player to the immediate left of the dealer and continues in a clockwise rotation around the table with each player passing or bidding the number of tricks they believe their partnership can win (up to a maximum of six). Each player mush either bid a higher number than any previously bid or pass. After three consecutive passes after a bid, the player making the high bid becomes the bidder and earns the privilege of naming the trump suit for the hand.
If all players pass, the player who holds the Joker must then bid three and becomes the bidder. This also gives the player the privilege of naming the trump suit for the hand. However, when all players initially pass, and no player holds the Joker (it being the widow card), all the cards are thrown in with no score and the next dealer in turn deals the next hand.
After determining the Player, the high bidder then takes the one card widow, into his hand and discards any card from his hand face down. This card is set aside and takes no further part in this hand.
The player to the immediate left of the dealer leads the first card to the first trick and each subsequent player in turn must play a card of the suit led. If he has no card of that suit, he may play any card from his hand including a trump. Thus, each trick would consist of one card played per player. The highest trump card played to a trick wins the trick. If no trump cards were played to the trick, the highest card of the suit led wins it. The winner of each trick leads the first card to the next trick with the other players playing to the trick in the standard clockwise order.
If the partnership consisting of the high bidder and his partner manage to win as many tricks (or more) than their high bid, they score one point per trick won. If they are unable to score at least as many tricks as their bid, they lose one point for every trick they have won in the hand. Negative scores are possible and quite common in Hasenpfeffer. The defending partnership always wins one point per trick won during the hand whether the high bidders reach their bid or not. The scores for each hand are counted at the end of the hand, with the bidders score calculated first. This detail may be important, as if both sides reach or exceed the winning total on the same hand, the bidders side would be declared the winner as their score is calculated first, regardless of the defenders potential score on the hand. The first partnership to score 10 points over any number of hands wins the game.
Pepper: This game is similar to Hasenpfeffer in most respects with a few key differences which will be described.
The first difference is that in Pepper, the Joker is not added to the deck, thus resulting in a 24 card deck with the same ranking (minus the Joker) as in Hasenpfeffer. In addition, no widow card is dealt to the center of the table.
When playing this variation, the bidding is also somewhat different than the parent game. In Pepper, the maximum normal bid is five (as in standard Euchre), however two additional bids are also allowed. These additional bids are called "Big Pepper" and "Little Pepper". Little Pepper is a bid to win all six tricks using normal stakes. A bid of Big Pepper is a bid to win all six tricks with double stakes for the hand. As expected, a bid of Little Pepper exceeds a bid of five or lower and the Big Pepper bid exceeds any bid of Little Pepper or lower. Once a player passes, he may no longer make further bids in the current hand and must pass on each subsequent bid during the current hand.
Rather than naming one of the four trump suits, the high bidder also has an alternative option. Instead of naming a particular suit as trump, he may instead declare the hand be played at No Trump. In this case no trump suit will be used for the hand, and all suits rank in the expected order; Ace, King, Queen, Jack, 10, 9.
The game continues until one side earns 30 total points. If both partnerships earn 30 or more on the same hand, the team with the higher total wins. If this is also a tie, the winning bidders side on the last hand is declared the winner.
In all other respects Pepper is played the same as Hasenpfeffer.
Double Hasenpfeffer: This is another fun Euchre variant that is commonly played in Pennsylvania Dutch country. Although somewhat different from Hasenpfeffer, Double Hasenpfeffer is sometimes also called just Hasenpfeffer.
When two cards of the same suit and rank are played to a trick, the first played is considered the higher card.
Double Hasenpfeffer (also called Hawsey, Hausey and sometimes Double Bid Euchre) is played using a 48 card Pinochle deck. This deck consists of two of each card in each suit in the following denominations; Ace, King, Queen, Jack, 10, 9. The ranking of the cards in this game is identical to that in the standard game of Euchre (including the Bowers in the trump suit).
The game is designed to be played by four players, playing in the usual two partnerships of two players each. The players should be seated in such a way around the table such that players of both partnerships alternate. Determination of partnerships and first dealer can be done using any of the standard methods. Once the first dealer is determined, he deals the entire deck, such that each player ends up with twelve cards. He deals in a clockwise rotation around the table, usually distributing the cards in packets of four face-down cards at a time to a player.
The bidding then begins with the player to the dealers immediate left. The minimum bid is six and a player must pass or bid a higher number then any previous bid. A players bid equates to the minimum number of tricks a player thinks his partnership can win. Each player has one opportunity to bid with the player who stated the highest bid then naming the trump suit. This bidder and his partner become the "Bidders" for the hand. If a player thinks he can win all 12 tricks in the hand he may bids 12, instantly becoming the high bidder. The player bidding 12 then has the privilege of exchanging any two cards in his hand for his partners two best cards. He does this immediately after declaring the trump suit for the hand. He must then play the hand solo against the two opponents. His partner would simply discard his own hand face down on the table after the card exchange.
The play of the hand is very similar to standard Euchre with the first lead being made by the high bidder, and each player, in turn, playing one card to the trick. A player must play a card of the suit led if able. If the player does not have a card of the suit led, he may play any card from his hand, including a card of the trump suit. The highest trump card played to a trick wins it, but if no trump have been played to the trick, the highest card of the suit led wins the trick. In the instance where two cards of identical suit and rank are played to the same trick the first of the two played to the trick would be considered the higher card. The winner of each trick leads the first card to the next trick.
If the partnership (or solo player in the case of a bid of 12) is able to win at least as many tricks as bid during the hand, they earn one point per trick won during the hand. If a lone player is able to win at least as many as their winning bid, their side earns two points per trick won. If a partnership does not win at least as many tricks as bid, they lose 12 points (one point per trick in the deal). Negative scores are possible in this game. The defending partnership scores one point for each trick they win during the hand. The scores are counted at the end of the hand, with the bidders partnership counting first. The first team to earn 52 or more points is declared the winner of the game.
Six Player Double Hasenpfeffer: Double Hasenpfeffer can also be played by six participants in two partnerships consisting of three players each. The partners should sit around the table in such a manner that the play will alternate between players from each partnership during the play of the hand.
The game is played identically to four player Double Hasenpfeffer, however, each player would receive only 8 cards in each hand. Thus, the maximum bid would be 8 and any player bidding 8 would play solo, and allowed to exchange any two cards to each partner for the two best cards that partner possesses. All other rules are identical to the standard four player version of the same game.
Indiana Double Deck Bid Euchre: As the name implies this Euchre variant is commonly played in the city of Indiana, in the state of Indianapolis. It is played by four players in two partnerships consisting of two players each. The game is played using one 48 card Pinochle deck. This deck thus consists of two cards in each of the denominations 9, 10, Jack, Queen, King,
and Ace, in each of the four suits. The ranking of the cards as used in this deck in the trump suit and the off suits is the same as in standard Euchre.
Determination of partnerships and first dealer can be performed using a variety of methods, such as draw for high cards. Using that method, each player draws a card from the shuffled deck. The two players drawing the highest cards play as opponents against the players drawing the two lowest. The player drawing the highest ranked card has the first choice of seats and is also set as the first dealer. Each player should sit directly across the table from his partner.
After the shuffle and cut, the dealer begins dealing out the cards, until each player has a total of 12 cards. These cards are usually dealt in packets of three face-down cards, in a clockwise rotation around the table.
After the cards have been dealt, the players then pick up their hands for examination, in preparation for bidding. The player to the immediate left of the dealer makes the first bid and the bidding continues around the table in a clockwise direction from player to player. Each bid is a number (which represents the number of tricks that player is expecting he and his partner, combined, to win during that hand) and a specific suit for which they will use as the trump suit if theirs is the highest bid. In addition, instead of calling a specific suit a player may also declare the hand to be played without use of a trump suit. This type of bid indicates that the player intends to play the hand using no trump suit. There are two types of no trump bids, "High-No" and "Low-No". A bid of "High-No" indicates play of the hand using no trump suit and using the normal ranking of the cards. A bid of "Low-No" on the other hand indicates a bid to play the hand at no trump, however with the lowest card winning.
The first bidder must make a minimum bid of three. Subsequent players may thus either make a bid higher than any previous bid during this hand or may pass. A higher bid is considered to be any bid which names a higher number. However, a no trump bid of a certain number can be overbid by a bid of that same number and naming one of the four suits as trump. A player who passes during the bidding is still entitled to make a bid during the bidding in a later round, as long as the bid made is a legal bid. The bidding continues from player to player around the table until a bid is followed by three consecutive passes. The player making that last high bid is the thus considered the high bidder for that hand. The high bidder for
the hand may also announce that he will play that hand "Alone", indicating he will play the hand without the aid of his partner, who sets his cards aside and out of play.
In a hand played from a No-Lo bid in Indiana Double Deck Bid Euchre, the lowest card played to the trick in the
led suit wins it.
Once the high bidder has been found, the high bidder then leads the first card to the first trick. Each other player then plays a card to that same trick
in a clockwise direction around the table. The leader to a trick may play any card of choice. Each other player to a trick must play a card of the same suit as that originally led to the trick. If the player has no cards of the suit originally led to that trick, they may play a card of any suit to the trick, including a card from the trump suit (unless the hand is played at one of the no trump contracts).
After each player has played one card to the trick, it is determined who thus has won it. The player of the highest card in the trump suit to a trick is considered to have won the trick. If the trick contains no cards in the trump suit, it is won by the highest card in the suit originally led to the trick. If two identical cards (in rank and suit) are played to the trick, the first of these two played is considered to beat the second. If the declared bid for the hand was High-No, the trick is won by the highest card in the suit originally led to the trick (there is no trump suit), and if the hand is played at Low-No, the player of the lowest card in the suit originally led to the trick wins it
(also with no trump suit). The cards won in tricks is set aside, and out of play. The winner of each trick leads the first card to the next trick.
After all 12 tricks have been played and won, scoring for the hand occurs. If the high bidding team manages to win at least as many tricks as bid, that team earns a number of points equal to the number of tricks bid (or double this amount of the high bidder opted to play alone). If that team fails to make at least as many tricks as bid, that team is euchred and must subtract from their current score a number of points equal to their bid (or double this number if the player elected to play alone). The opponents of the high bidding team earn one point for each trick won during the hand.
The first team to have totaled 50 or more accumulated, earned points at the end of a hand is declared the winner of the game. If both teams reach or exceed this score at the end of the same hand, the bidding team is considered the game winner.
Bacon: Bacon is another fun variant of Euchre. This game, sometimes
called American Euchre, introduces a number of changes to the normal
game of Euchre which may make it more familiar to many players in the
Western World.
Like normal Euchre, Bacon is played by four players in two partnerships of two players each. However, unlike standard Euchre, this game uses a full standard 52 card deck. The ranking of the cards used in Bacon is also more familiar to players in the States, with the ranking in each suit being as follows (from high to low); Ace, King, Queen, Jack, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2. The ranking of these cards is the same for a suit whether it is selected as the trump suit for the hand or is an off-suit.
Selection of partners can be done using a number of methods. One of the more common methods is for each player to draw a card from a shuffled deck, and the players drawing the two highest cards playing against the two players drawing the two lowest. Each player should sit directly across the table from his partner. The player who draws the highest card of all is set as the first dealer.

The dealer should thoroughly shuffle the deck and offer it to his left-hand opponent to cut. The dealer completes the cut and begins dealing the cards, starting with the player to his immediate left. He deals the cards face-down and one-at-a-time clockwise around the table until each player has a total of five cards. He then deals one more card face-up to the center of the table. He sets the remainder of the cards face-down to the side.
Each player in turn, starting with the player to the dealer's left has the option to accept the face-up card dealt to the center of the table as the trump suit for the hand. He either passes, with the option moving to the next player in turn or Accepts this suit, called Declaring, which he indicates by stating "pick it up". If all four players pass on Declaring for the hand, the dealer discards the current face-up card to the side and deals another card face-up to the table. Again, each player in turn, starting with the player to the dealers left has the option to Declare the suit of this new card as the trump suit. If again all four players pass, another card is dealt, continuing until four cards have been dealt. If, after four cards have been dealt, no player has declared and no trump suit selected, all the cards are thrown in and the hand abandoned (called acquitted). A new hand is then dealt by the same dealer.
Once a player Declares (setting the suit of the current turned-up card as the trump suit for the hand), this player and his partner are set as the Declarers for the hand and the opposing team are called the Defenders. The player to the immediate left (which will be a member of the opposing team) of the player who accepted the trump suit then takes the face-up trump card into his hand and then discards any card from his hand face-down, which is removed from play.
Although seldom done, the partner of the player who Accepts the trump suit may say
"Deny", indicating he elects to overrule the selection of the card as
the trump suit. In this case, the "Declare" is invalidated and the turn
continues as if the Accepting player had passed instead.
After the Declarer has accepted the trump suit, he may also state the he intents to play the hand alone (without the aid of his partner). Doing so will potentially increase the scoring value for the Declarer and his team on the hand.
The player to the immediate left of the declarer of the trump leads the first card to the first trick. A player can lead any card of his choice to a trick. Each other player in turn must play one card to the trick. If he has a card of the same suit as that led to the current trick he must play it. If he has no card of the suit led he may play any card from his hand, including a card from the trump suit.
The trick is won by the highest card played to the trick of the trump suit. If no card of the trump suit was played to the trick, the trick is won by the highest card of the suit led to the trick. Won tricks should be set aside, out of play. the winner of each trick leads the first card to the next trick.
After all five tricks have been played and won, the score is calculated for the hand, as follows:
- If the Declarer and his team win 3 or 4 tricks, they earn 1 point (called a completion).
- If the Declarer, playing alone for the hand, wins 3 or 4 tricks, his team scores 2 points (double completion).
- If the Declarer and his team wins all 5 tricks, his team scores 2 points.
- If the Declarer, playing alone, wins all five tricks, his team scores 4 points (called a bacon).
- If the Defending team, instead, wins 3 or 4 tricks, the Defending team wins 2 points.
- If the Defending team wins all five tricks, that team scores 4 points.
A player, on his turn, based on the cards remaining in his hand,
believes he would win every remaining trick in the hand, he may make the
declaration of "The Rest Are Mine" (called TRAM or TRAMing). In this event
he exposes the remainder of his hand on the table. If any player can
show that the TRAMing player would not win every remaining trick, any still unplayed tricks for the hand are scored for the opposing team. However, if no player can show any scenario in which the TRAMing player would not win every remaining trick, the remaining tricks for the hand are automatically attributed to the team of the player who made the TRAM call.
The game continues over a number of hand until one team manages to reach or exceed 15 points, after which time that team is declared the game winner.
Buck Euchre: Buck Euchre is a variant of Euchre for four players, however
in Buck Euchre there are no partnerships, with each player playing for himself. This version is also sometimes called Cut-Throat Euchre for that reason.
Buck Euchre uses a normal Euchre deck which has been further reduced by
removing the sevens and eights from the deck resulting in a 24 card
deck. The ranking in this deck is the same as that used in the standard
Euchre deck (with of course no cards in the ranks of seven or eight), including the
specific card ranking for the selected trump suit in each hand.
Seating positions and first dealer can be determined in a variety of methods, with draw for high card a common method. Each player would draw a card from the shuffled deck with the players taking seats in the order of cards drawn, from high to low. The player drawing the highest card of all would be set as the first dealer.

Once the players are seated the dealer thoroughly shuffles the deck and offers it to the player at his right to cut. The dealer completes the cut and begins dealing in a counterclockwise direction, starting with the player at his left. He first deals each player a three card face-down packet and then a two card packet, such that each player has a total of five cards. After each player has the requisite number of cards, he deals the next card from the top of the deck to designate the trump suit, laying this card face-up beside the deck.
If the card dealt face-up to indicate the trump suit is any card in the suit of Clubs, Clubs automatically becomes trump for the hand, and no player has the option to drop out of the hand (see below). However, if this card is of any other suit, a round of bidding occurs as in standard Euchre. The player to the immediate left of the dealer begins the bidding and the bidding proceeds in a clockwise direction around the table such that each player has exactly one opportunity to bid. On his turn to bid each player may either
state "Order It Up" which sets the suit of the card as trumps, or the player may
"pass" on his turn to bid. If any player, including the dealer Orders
Up the card, the dealer takes the card into his hand, and selects any card from his hand and discards it face-down to the side, not to be used further in the hand.
However, If all four players (including the dealer) decline the suit of the turned up card as the trump suit, a second round of bidding occurs, also starting with the player to the immediate left of the dealer. During this round, each player in turn has the opportunity to name the trump suit for the hand. He may name any suit except the suit of the card that was originally exposed. The first player to declare a suit as the trump suit sets the trump suit to be used for the hand. If all four players pass in the second round of bidding, the hand will be played with no trump suit.
The player who ordered up the Trump suit or declares the trump suit for the hand becomes the Trump Maker for the hand. This player attempts to win a minimum of three tricks for the hand, while his three opponents attempt to prevent him from doing so.
Once the Trump Maker has been determined, each other player in turn has the option to drop from the game. If a player opts to drop from the hand, he simply indicates this and sets his cards to the side face-down. The player will take no further part in the current hand. A player may not drop from this hand if the original turned card was any card of the Clubs suit or all players pass, forcing the hand to be played with No Trump suit.
The player to the immediate left of the dealer leads the first card to the first trick. The play of the hand is the same as in Euchre. Each subsequent player adds one card from his hand to the trick in turn. If he has a card of the same suit as the suit originally led to the trick he must play it. If he does not have such a card he may play any card from his hand including a card of the trump suit.
After each player has played one card to the trick, it is determined who has won the trick. The player of the highest trump card in the trick wins the trick. If the trick contains no cards of the trump suit, the player of the highest card in the same suit as that originally led to the trick wins the trick. The winner of the trick should take the trick and set it aside, face down in a won tricks pile for later scoring. The winner of each trick leads the first card to the next trick.
The object of the game is to be the first player to decrease his score to 0 or less. Thus, each player starts the game with a score of 25. The following are the methods of scoring during a hand:
- If the Trump Maker wins fewer than three tricks during the hand (called
being Euchred), he must add five points from his current score.
- If the Trump Maker manages to win three or more tricks, he subtracts from his current score a number equal to the number of tricks he manages to win during the hand.
- If an opponent of the Trump Maker did not manage to win any tricks during the hand (and did not drop), he must add five points to his current score.
- If an opponent of the Trump Maker won at least one trick, that player subtracts one point for each trick he managed to win during the hand.
If any player manages to win all five tricks during the hand, that player immediately wins the entire game, regardless of his current score. Any player who dropped from the hand neither adds or subtracts any points from his current score.
If the initial turned up suit is the suit of Clubs, as mentioned previously no player may drop and each player must stay in the game. In this case, there is no Trump Maker for the hand, but each player who manages to win at least one trick can subtract a number of points from his score equal to the number of tricks he won during the hand. If a player wins no tricks during the hand, however, he must instead add five points to his current score.
Similarly, in the event no trump suit was selected by any player and the hand was played at No Trumps, each player attempts to win at least one trick during the hand. Failure to win one trick forces that player to add five points to his current score. If he does manage to win at least one trick, the player is instead entitled to subtract one point from his score for each trick won. If any player manages to win all five tricks during these hands he is also instantly declared the winner of the entire game.
The first player to bring his score to zero or less at the end of a hand is declared the winner of the game. If multiple players manage this feat, the player with the lowest score is declared the winner. If multiple players tie for the lowest score the game is a tie amongst those players.
Dirty Clubs: Dirty Clubs is another variant of Euchre in which each player plays independently. The game gets it's name from the case in which, as in Buck Euchre, if the suit of Clubs is turned up as the initial card to determine the trump suit, Clubs will automatically become the trump suit for that hand (in this case the
trump suit being called "Dirty Clubs"). In fact, Dirty Clubs is played identically to Buck Euchre with the following differences:
- Each player starts each game with a total of 20 points. The first player to reduce his point total to 0 or less is declared the winner. If multiple players manage to do so, the player with the lowest total is declared the winner.
- There is only one round of bidding. If the initial turn-up is not a card in the suit of Clubs, each player, starting with the player to the left of the dealer, has exactly one opportunity to bid. Each player declares the number of tricks he would contract to win if he were permitted to select a trump suit of his choosing. The lowest allowable bid is one and each subsequent bid must be higher than any previous bid to be a legal bid. A player may also elect to make no bid and instead pass.
- After each player has had one opportunity to bid, the player who made the highest bid is allowed to declare the trump suit for the hand. He may also declare No Trump as the trump suit for the hand.
- In addition to declaring the trump suit, the high bidder is entitled to take the turned up card (whatever the trump suit that is declared) and add it to his hand. He then selects any card from his hand and discards it face-down to the side, no longer used during the current hand.
- After the high bidder (the trump maker) sets the trump suit for the hand, each other player is entitled to drop as in Buck Euchre.
- If all players pass, the hand is played with No Trump suit and no player is set as the Trump Maker.
In all other aspects (including the scoring) the game is played identically to standard Buck Euchre as described above.
Club Buck Euchre: Club Buck Euchre is a variation of Buck Euchre which is designed to be played by three players, each playing independently.
Other then having fewer participants, this variant is played exactly the same as standard Buck Euchre with the following differences:
- Each player starts the game with a score of 15 and the first player to reduce his score to 0 or less is declared the winner of the game.
- If a player's total accumulated score is 5 or fewer he may never drop from the hand and must stay in for every hand until he wins or his score is again increased above 5 (by getting Euchred).
- Winning all five tricks does not win the game outright, but does allow the player to subtract five points from his current accumulated score.
In all other aspects Club Buck Euchre is played identically to standard Buck Euchre as described previously.
Three Player Buck Euchre: This is another three player variant of standard Buck Euchre.
It is played similarly to the four player variant, however it has several key differences:
- Although there are only three participants in the game, four face-down
hands are actually dealt, with the last hand dealt between the player to the
dealer's right and the dealer. This extra hand has five cards, similar to
each of the players and is called the widow or dummy hand.
- After the hands are dealt, the remainder of the deck is placed in the center of the table but no card is turned up to establish the trump suit.
- Each player, starting with the player to the dealer's left has an opportunity to trade his dealt hand for the widow hand after looking at his own hand. To do this he simply places his own hand face-down on the table and takes the widow hand as his new hand.
- Once a player has exchanged his hand for the widow hand, or all the players have had the opportunity to exchange for it but have all declined, a round of bidding begins, starting with the player to the left of the dealer. A bid is the number of tricks the player is contracting to win if he becomes the Trumpmaker and is allowed to set the trump suit. No suit is mentioned in the bid. The minimum bid is one and each subsequent bid must be higher than any previous bid to be considered legal. Although there are only five tricks in a hand, a player is allowed to make a bid higher than that as a strategic move. A player is not obligated to bid on his turn and may pass. If a player passes, he may still opt to bid on another round of bidding. Once a high bid is followed by two consecutive passes, that high bid is considered the winning bid for the hand and the player making that bid is the trumpmaker for the hand.
- The trumpmaker declares the suit that will set as the trump suit for the hand. He can also make a call indicating there will no trump suit used during this hand.
- After the trump suit is declared, the other two players each have the option in turn, to remain in the hand or drop out.
- Each player starts with 15 points and the first player to decrease his score to 0 or less is declared the winner of the game.
- If multiple players reach 0 or lower on the same hand, the player with the lowest score of all is declared the winner.
- If the trumpmaker manages to win as many tricks as bid, he is entitled to subtract a number of points from his total score equal to the number of tricks won. However, if the trumpmaker wins fewer tricks than bid, he must add five points to his current score instead.
- The opponents of the trumpmaker score one point for each trick won during the hand. However, if one of these players wins no tricks during the hand, he must add five points to his current score, instead.
- If a player wins five tricks in this variant, he does not win the game outright, but is allowed to subtract five points from his current score.
- If a player's current accumulated score for the game is five or less, he must remain in every hand (he is not allowed to drop). However, if his score (due the player adding points to his score for being Euchred) increases above five, he may drop on a hand as normal.
In all other aspects, Three Player Buck Euchre is played the same as the four player variant of Buck Euchre.
Uka: Uka is a Euchre variant which is played in New Zealand, mostly by the indigenous Maori peoples there, but also by many other New
Zealanders as well.
Uka is played very similarly to standard Euchre, however it also includes a few unique differences. As in standard Euchre, Uka uses the same 32 card deck as standard Euchre with the same card ranking (including the user of the Left and Right Bowers). The game is also, as in Euchre, designed for four players, in two partnerships of two players each. Determination of partnerships and first dealer is usually determined by a high card draw. The team which receives the highest card of all determines which player, on that team, will be the first dealer. The partners should each be seated at the table directly across from each other. After each hand, the role of dealer rotates around the table in a clockwise direction around the table.

In addition to the 32 card deck which is required for this game, each player should also be provided one chip or other token. Of these four chips, two should be one color and the other two a different color. Both members of a partnership should each have a chip of the same color. Each player should place his chip in front of himself, towards the center of the table. These chips indicate the location at which a player will play his card to each trick during the game.
To start each hand, the dealer deals each player, starting with the player to his left and continuing in a clockwise direction, a hand of five cards. These are usually dealt in a deal of two card packets
followed by a deal of three cards. After each player has the requisite five cards, the dealer places the remainder of the deck face-down in the middle of the table. This pile is called the kitty. The dealer then flips over the top card of the kitty, and places it face-up on top of this stack, to determine the possible trump suit for this hand.
As in Euchre, Uka features two rounds of bidding, if necessary, with each round of bidding starting with the player at the dealer's left. During the first round, each player, in a clockwise direction indicates whether they will accept or not the suit of the turn up card as the trump suit for the hand. There are two possible bids on this initial round of bidding. They either state "Away" which indicates they do not want to use the suit of the turn-up card as trump for the hand, or they say "Pick it up", indicating they prefer to use that suit as the trump suit for the hand. As soon as the first player, during this initial round of bidding, states "Pick it up" this establishes the suit of this turn-up card as the trump suit for the hand. In a bid, a player (except for the dealer) may never call "Pick it up" unless he has at least one card of the turn-up card's suit in hand. The dealer, however does not have this restriction and may opt to "Pick it up" having no cards of that suit in his hand. Thus, if any player declares "Pick it up", the bidding immediately ends. The dealer would then add the turn-up card into his hand (picking it up) and must discard any other card from his hand to the side, and out of play. He may never, however, discard the turn-up card in this way.
If all players (including the dealer) call "Away", another round of bidding then begins, also starting with the player to the immediate left of the dealer and proceeding in a clockwise direction around the table. During this round of bidding, each player has the opportunity to name a suit to be used as the trump suit for the hand. In order to name a suit, the player must have at least one card of that suit in his hand. If they do not want to call the trump suit, the player simply again says "Away". Once a player calls a trump suit for the hand, that immediately ends the bidding with the called suit set as the trump suit for the hand. If the first three players all pass, the dealer is required to take the original turn-up trump card into his hand, with the suit of that card set as the trump suit for this hand. He would then discard any other card from his hand to the side, out of play. If the trump suit is designated by a player calling a specific suit, the dealer, in that case does not take the turn-up card into his hand.
If the player who determines the trump suit for the hand believes he can earn all five tricks, playing without the assistance of a partner, he may also elect to play solo, indicating this by calling "I am going alone". In the case of a player going alone, his partner simply discards his hand off to the side and does not participate further in this hand, with the player electing to so go alone playing solo against the two opponents.
The player to the immediate left of the dealer plays the first card to the first trick, and each other player in a clockwise direction, then plays a card from his hand to that same trick, each player contributing one such card. Each player plays his card to the trick directly on top of the chip he had placed in front of himself. During play, the cards from previous tricks are not removed, and thus each player continues playing his cards, in turn, onto the growing pile atop his chip.
The leader to a trick may play any card from his hand to start the trick. Each other player must then play a card of that same suit to the trick if he has one. If he has no such card, he may play any card from his hand to the trick, including a card from the trump suit. It should also be remembered that the Jack of the opposite color as the trump suit is considered to be a card of the trump suit (in fact, this is the second highest card in that suit).
If the trick contains any cards in the trump suit, the highest such played card wins the trick. If no cards of the trump suit have been played to the trick, the highest card of the suit originally led to that trick wins the trick. Since cards played are left on the table, the winning card to each trick should be turned face-down to indicate it was the winning card to that trick. The leader of each trick leads the first card to the next trick.
After all five tricks have been played and won, scoring for that hand occurs. If the players on the team who
declared the trump suit for the hand manages, between them, to win 3 or 4 tricks during the hand, they earn 1 point. If they manage to win all five tricks (called March) they earn 3 points. If the player opted to go alone and manages to win all five tricks, his team earns 4 points instead of the usual 3.
However, if the team who determined the trump suit for the hand does not manage to win at least 3 tricks during the hand, that team is said to have been "euchred" and the opposing team earns 2 points. Also, if the player opted to go alone and does not win all five tricks, the opponents earn 4 points.
The game continues over the course of several hands until one partnership manages to earn an accumulated total of 10 or more points. That team is then declared the game winner. Scoring is usually retained by use of two lower cards (one six and one four) for each partnership, with the number of pips showing on the cards used to indicate the current score for that partnership.
Example tally card for a Two Table session of Progressive Euchre.
Progressive Euchre: Progressive Euchre is not so much a variation on the game itself but rather a method by which a larger group of players could compete in a session of Euchre or even hold a small tournament. Progressive Euchre thus accommodates multiple tables of Euchre (with the standard four players per table) to be played simultaneously.
In Progressive Euchre, at each table, 4 deals are performed, with each player at the table dealing one time. The first dealer can be determined using the normal method and the rules for playing these four deals are the same as in standard Euchre with the exception that there is no limit to the total points a partnership can accumulate during the course of the four deals. Once the four deals are completed at every table, the players would then record their scores for the game and move to the next predetermined table and seat, resetting their score to 0 for the next game. This movement is detailed on a tally card that should be given to each player before the session begins. These tally cards can be distributed in some random fashion or assigned by the session leader. Before this distribution, each tally card should be marked with a player number (1 to 8 for two tables or 1 to 12 for 3 tables). The following links contain printable versions of the two and three table tally cards for playing Progressive Euchre:
Two Table Tally,
Three Table Tally.
Before distribution of the tally cards, the session leader should print a different player number on each. Thus, each tally card would then contain a players assigned number as well as details the movement of all players from game to game. Other than the player number, each tally card would be identical at the start of the game session. The card also contains space for the players name, score and opposing partnerships score for each game. This information is filled in as the individual rounds are completed. Progressive Euchre is usually played with two or three tables, but can sometimes be extended to four or even more tables (which leads to a longer running session). The following charts show the normal player movements for two and three tables of Progressive Euchre:
Two Table Arrangement | | Three Table Arrangement |
Game | Players - Table 1 | Players - Table 2 |
1 | 1-6 vs. 2-5 | 3-8 vs. 4-7 |
2 | 2-3 vs. 5-8 | 1-4 vs. 6-7 |
3 | 1-8 vs. 3-6 | 2-7 vs. 4-5 |
4 | 1-2 vs. 3-4 | 5-6 vs. 7-8 |
5 | 1-7 vs. 2-8 | 3-5 vs. 4-6 |
6 | 2-6 vs. 3-7 | 1-5 vs. 4-8 |
7 | 2-4 vs. 6-8 | 1-3 vs. 5-7 |
Game | Players - Table 1 | Players - Table 2 | Players - Table 3 |
1 | 1-2 vs. 3-4 | 5-6 vs. 7-8 | 9-10 vs. 11-12 |
2 | 2-6 vs. 3-11 | 7-9 vs. 8-10 | 1-5 vs. 4-12 |
3 | 4-11 vs. 7-12 | 2-9 vs. 3-8 | 1-6 vs. 5-10 |
4 | 2-12 vs. 5-9 | 3-7 vs. 4-8 | 1-11 vs. 6-10 |
5 | 1-7 vs. 4-10 | 3-9 vs. 5-11 | 2-8 vs. 6-12 |
6 | 3-10 vs. 5-12 | 1-8 vs. 2-7 | 4-9 vs. 6-11 |
7 | 6-8 vs. 9-11 | 2-4 vs. 10-12 | 1-3 vs. 5-7 |
8 | 3-6 vs. 7-10 | 1-4 vs. 9-12 | 2-11 vs. 5-8 |
9 | 1-10 vs. 8-11 | 3-12 vs. 6-9 | 2-5 vs. 4-7 |
10 | 1-12 vs. 6-7 | 4-5 vs. 10-11 | 2-3 vs. 8-9 |
11 | 1-9 vs. 7-11 | 2-10 vs. 3-5 | 4-6 vs. 8-12 |
The players should be seated at the table in such a manner that the partners are seated opposite each other. Each row of the appropriate table above shows the partnerships for each round. The player listed in the first position for each table and round would deal the first hand of each game. Thereafter the deal would rotate in a clockwise rotation around the table. After the full number of games are played, the player with the highest cumulative score for the entire session would be declared the overall session or tournament winner.
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