Hazari is a vying or comparing game which is commonly played in Bangladesh and other surrounding areas (such as Bhutan). Hazari (which translates to "1000") also commonly goes by the name "1000 Points" which describes the number of points a player is required to score in order to be victorious.
Hazari is designed to be played by four players using one standard deck consisting of 52 cards. In that deck, the ranking of the cards are as follows (from high to low): Ace, King, Queen, Jack, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2.
Determination of dealers and seating positions can be performed using a variety of methods, with draw for high cards very common. Each player would thus draw one card from the shuffled deck, taking seats at the table in the order from highest card drawn to lowest. The player drawing the highest card of all would be set as the first dealer. For each subsequent hand, the role of dealer rotates from player to player in a counter-clockwise direction around the table.
The dealer would thoroughly shuffle the deck and offer it to the player at his left to cut. After the cut, the dealer would then begin dealing cards, one by one and face-down starting with the player at his immediate right. He continues dealing the cards in a counter-clockwise direction until each player has 13 total cards, which should consist of the entire deck.
After the deal is completed, each player then picks up his hand for examination. The ultimate goal of the game is to win the most card points at the end of the hand, which is done by arranging the cards into the highest three card combinations. After the deal, each player then arranges his hand into four individual and different groups of cards. We will thus create three groups of three cards each and one of four. The following chart shows the various types of combinations which can be arranged by a player into these groups, from the highest to the lowest:
Combination | Description | Example |
Troy or Trial | This is a combination consisting of three cards of the same denomination (such as three Kings or three 5's). In comparing two such combinations of this type, a Troy of higher ranked cards will beat a Troy of lower ranked cards. |  |
Colour Run | A Colour Run consists of three cards in sequence of the same suit (i.e. 8, 9, and 10, all of Clubs). Although the Ace is considered the highest ranked card in each suit (making a Colour Run consisting of King, Queen, Ace, the highest ranked Colour Run), it should be noted that for purposes of a Run, an Ace can also be used before the two. When used in this way, the Colour Run consisting of Ace, 2, 3 is considered the second highest ranked Colour Run. For comparison of other Colour Runs, the Run headed by the highest ranked card is considered the highest such run. |  |
Run | A Run is three cards in direct sequence which are not of the same suit (i.e. 5 or Clubs, 6 of Spades and 7 of Diamonds). Although the Ace is the highest ranked card in this game (thus making a run consisting of Queen, King, Ace the highest ranked Run), the Ace can also be used in a
Run before the two (for the run Ace, 2, 3), which is the second highest ranked Run. For comparisons of other Runs, the Run containing the highest ranked card is considered the highest such Run. |  |
Colour | Three cards of the same suit but not in direct sequence. For comparisons of multiple such Colour combinations, the Colour containing
the card of the highest individual rank is considered the highest
combination. |  |
Pair | A pair is a three card combination consisting of two cards of the same denomination and any third card of another denomination. In comparing multiple such Pairs, the Pair of higher ranked cards is considered the highest. If the Pairs are of equally ranked cards, the
combinations are then compared based on the highest rank of the third
unmatched card in the combination. |  |
Indi (also called Individual) | This is a combination that does not conform to any of the previous, higher ranked categories, and is thus ranked based on the highest card amongst the three. In comparing two such combinations of this type, the combinations are ranked based on the rank of the highest cards in these three card combinations. |  |
If, after applying these ranking rules, it is still found that two or more players have combinations that are equal, the last of these combinations exposed during a specific round is considered the higher.
Although one of the combinations consists of four actual cards, the fourth card of that combination does not actually contribute to that combination but is just set alongside it, with that hand only ranked by three cards of the players choice from that combination.

After each player has the opportunity to create the four arrangements of face-down combinations of cards, the player would then arrange these combinations in front of himself, from the highest to the lowest. The combination containing the extra, fourth card, should be the lowest ranked card of the four the player has created. Once a player is satisfied with his combinations, he states "Up", indicating he is ready to move to the next phase of the game. Once stating this, however, a player may no longer re-arrange his combinations as he has set. After all four players have stated "Up", the next phase of the hand begins.
This phase consists of the players comparing these combinations, starting with each player's highest and proceeding to the lowest (the four card) combination. Thus, to start this phase, the player to the immediate right of the dealer turns over his first and highest combination exposing it for all the players to see. Each other player, in a counter-clockwise direction does the same until all four players have exposed his highest combination. Whichever player has the highest of all four combinations (as ranked per the chart above), takes all the cards from these compared combinations and places them in a won cards pile for scoring at the end of the hand.
After this, the player who had the highest such combination then exposes his next highest combination that he had created from his original hand. Each other player, in a counter-clockwise direction
also exposes his next best combination. Similarly to the first round, the player with the highest of these combinations takes all the cards from these combinations, adding them to his won cards pile, to the side.
This continues with the third best and then, lastly the fourth best combination. It should be remembered, that each players lowest combination should also be the combination which had included the extra, fourth card (although that card does not actually calculate into the rank of those combinations).
Once all the combinations have been exposed and the constituent cards won by the players, each player sorts through his won cards from the hand to calculate his score for the hand. The following chart shows the value of each card in the deck:
Card | Point Value |
Ace, King, Queen, Jack, 10 | 10 Points Each |
9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 | 5 Points Each |
The points earned by each player during the hand are added to an
accumulated game score for that player. Once one or more players reach or
exceed a total of 1000 accumulated points (thence the name of the game), the player with the highest total is declared the winner of the game.
Fives: Fives, sometimes called Five Cards, is a card game with gameplay
somewhat similar to Hazari. Fives is designed for 2 to 5 players and uses one standard 52 card deck. The ranking of the cards in this deck are as follows (from highest to lowest): King, Queen, Jack, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, Ace.
Determination of seating positions and first dealer can be performed using a variety of methods, with draw for high cards very common. Using this method, each player draws a card from the shuffled deck. The players then take their preference of seats, from highest card drawn to lowest. If two or more players draw cards of the same rank, those players should discard those cards and draw new cards, continuing, if necessary until drawing a distinctly ranked card. The player drawing the highest ranked card of all is set as the first dealer, and after each hand, the role of dealer rotates around the table in a clockwise rotation.
The dealer begins the hand by thoroughly shuffling the deck and offering it to the player at his right for the cut. After the cut, the dealer begins distributing the cards around the table, one-by-one and face-down. He starts with the player at his immediate left and continues the deal until each player has a total of five cards. He then places the remainder of the deck face-down in the center of the table as the draw pile.
The player to the immediate left of the dealer has the first turn. This
individual thus examines his hand and decides how many, if any, of his cards he would prefer to exchange for new cards from the top of the stock. He thus removes any number of cards from his hand, placing them face-down, adding them to the bottom of the stock. He then takes a similar number of cards from the stock pile to replenish his hand to five total cards. This continues with each player, in a clockwise rotation around the table, having one opportunity to thus attempt to improve their hand with an exchange of zero to five cards.
After each player has had a turn to exchange cards as preferred, every player then places their hand face-up on the table in front of themselves. The hands are then compared and whichever player has the highest ranked hand is thus set as the winner of the hand, earning a number of accumulated points based on the cards in his hand. The other players earn zero points on that hand, regardless of the cards found in their hand. The following chart shows the possible hands and their ranking (highest from top to bottom), as well as the number of points a player would earn for that hand:
Ranking | Hand | Description | Point Value |
1 | Four of a Kind | The highest ranked hand is a four of a kind. If multiple players have such a hand, these hands would then further be ranked by the denomination of the cards forming the four of a kind. | 8 Points |
2 | Full House | This hand consists of three cards of the same rank, and a pair of two cards in the same rank. If two or more players have such a hand, the hands can be further ranked by the denomination of the cards forming the triplet (three of a kind). | 6 Points |
3 | Treble | A treble consists of three cards of the exact same rank. If multiple players have a three of a kind, these hands can be further ranked based on the denomination of the cards forming the treble. | 4 Points |
4 | Two Pairs | This hand consists of two cards of the same denomination, and another two cards of a matching denomination. If there are multiple players with this hand, the denomination of the cards in the highest pair are compared. If this is an identical pair, the denomination of the second pair is compared. If this is also equal, the odd card is compared. | 3 Points |
5 | One Pair | This hand consists of two cards of the same denomination. The other three cards in the hand are unmatched. If comparing two such similar hands, the higher hand is that containing the pair which consists of higher denomination cards. If the pairs are identical, the hands are compared by whichever player has the highest odd card in the hand. | 2 Points |
6 | Junk | A junk hand is a hand with no matching cards. | 0 Points |
The winning player adds the appropriate number of points to his ongoing score. All the cards from the player's hands are then gathered together and simply added to the bottom of the stock.
The stock is not shuffled after each hand, with the next dealer in turn simply continuing to deal from the top of the deck. The game continues until one player, upon the completion of a hand, reaches or exceeds 20 total accumulated points.
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